5 Focused Daily Actions to Grow Your Online Business
It’s so easy in the early stages of business when your calendar isn’t booked and your brain is scattered to the point of action paralysis to spend hours messing around online or spending all your time on all of the wrong things.
No- in the beginning stages you don’t need to be adding fancy applications to your website, building out a complex funnel, or goofing off in Canva. You shouldn’t be scrolling aimlessly…or posting content with no plan.
And the thing is- I’m sure that you also know this isn’t where you should be focused or how it could be best spent.
Most entrepreneurs and coaches can’t afford to waste any of their valuable time. They need to be making money- like yesterday.
This is where you need to focus ONLY on actions that will move the needle in your business- actions that will help you gain traction and grow your business as quickly as possible. At Silience and Sonder we call these Focused Daily Action Tasks. They are tasks that serve a very specific purpose- to generate money and sign clients.
Here are my top five Focused Daily Actions that you can do every single day to make an impact on the world and on our clients while putting cash in the bank. These are based on the critical drivers of any coaching business- the things that MUST happen to drive revenue. Without them, leads and revenue tank and you find yourself in a bad place.
1. Check in on your clients and send feedback or action-oriented prompts.
If you are a coach and people are spending a premium amount of money for your support, you need to make you are delivering and getting results for your clients. After all, the best way to attract new clients is to have raving fans, testimonials, and success stories you can leverage as social proof. Make sure you’re touching base regularly with your clients and that you are holding them accountable with achieving their goals
2. Attract and Nurture a Community
Being online gives you the unique opportunity to reach hundreds of thousands of people. When you leverage an online content strategy, whether it may be social media, a blog, a podcast, or even email marketing, you can really build a community. Make sure you’re showing up consistently and providing value to your community. (Notice that I did not say CONSTANTLY because you don’t need to be online all day every day to see results, but you do need to be consistent to see results). When you are showing up consistently and engaging and serving your community with resources, inspiration, and tools that make a difference to your audience, you’re leading them closer and closer to a sale.
3. Content Creation
Use your content to shower the world with resources, insights, and research to help them become the happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilling versions of themselves. You should use your platforms (again, whichever work for your audience) to establish yourself as an industry expert- as someone who can solve their biggest pain points and can transform their lives. Pay attention to the topics that generate the most traffic. If a topic performs well, make sure to create a variety of different content to address that specific topic because it has proven to resonate with your audience. You don’t need to show up on social media every day or email every day, but make sure once a day you are showing up somewhere valuable.
4. Follow up with people who have reached out.
Every day you need to make sure you are following up with any leads or conversations you are having. Don’t leave anyone hanging or waiting for an answer for days on end. These conversations and follow-up conversations are where the nurturing process and the sales process take place. My best mentor once told me, “The money is in the follow-up.” He was right. Very rarely will someone be ready to buy during the first interaction. They need to know you, like you and trust you enough to purchase from you.
5. Talk About Your Offer
After we’ve been visible online and we’ve offered value for the day, we need to talk to our audience about how we can transform their lives for the better. There’s no need for dirty or slimy sales tactics that leave a bad taste in your mouth, but after all of the value and effort you put into educating your audience, you NEED to let them know you have an offer that could benefit them and what they need to do to take you up on that offer.. Every single day you need to make sure to let our community know where they can find or purchase a program, product, or coaching services to finally achieve those business goals they’ve been chasing.
If you want to grow your coaching business, you have to ditch the aimless tasks that don’t truly contribute to the success of your business. The heart of any coaching business must always be to serve first. The money will follow.
Coaching is about impacting people’s lives.
Lead with impact and the rewards and growth of your coaching business will be more than you ever imagined possible.
But don’t forget- it’s STILL a business and you need to treat it like one. You can’t impact anyone if you have to close your doors for a lack of a revenue stream.
Our goal at Silience and Sonder, whether you book a single roadmap call with us, attend a webinar, or you complete the mentorship program, is to help you expand your capacity to visibility, attraction, impact, and profit in your business with simple marketing strategies. We teach you where and how to show up online, and what activities you need to be doing to achieve business growth.
Schedule your discovery call today to see how we can help you succeed!